Simone Laudani

Birth: 29-03-1999, Italy



Computer Science master degree (current)


Studying at Università degli Studi di Milano La Statale, in Milan

Computer Science bachelor degree (graduated)


Studied at Università degli Studi di Catania, in Catania, Sicily

High School Diploma


Studied at Liceo Scientifico e Linguistico Principe Umberto di Savoia, scientific subjects

Code Experience

Flow graphs web app

Web application to build and execute: graphs to evaluate logical conditions and graphs to transform input data from a database and visualize graphical metrics. Built a mobile application using PWAs. Dockerized microservices architecture.

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Your spotify playlist trend

Web application using simple machine learning to evaluate how much a playlist or song aligns with chosen target playlist. Exploiting Spotify's songs features API. Dockerized microservices architecture.

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AI exam generator

Platform to generate ad-hoc exams and tests based on provided topics and notes. Using ChatGPT's API. (discontinued)


Programming Languages

Frameworks, tools

Other Skills